We offer a variety of services to help you on your academic and career journey

*Pricing is subject to change**

 Discovery Call

You have questions, we have answers. Schedule a one-time free session to see if one of our services is for you and learn more about how we can help.  

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Strategy Session

Work with us in a 1hr strategy session tailored to your unique needs. Learn more about what this session may entail.

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 Advisory Sessions

5 hour (1hr) long 1:1 sessions designed to provide you a successful tailored strategy, and assistance towards a college or graduate school admissions, academic coaching, internship/job search preparations & international student mentorship. Learn more about what this session(s) may entail.

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Implementation Sessions

Multiple hour (1hr) long 1:1 sessions (up to 12) designed to support you with college or graduate school admissions. You will gain guaranteed admission to at least 1 US school. Clients will be screened prior to selecting this service.  Learn more about what this premium session(s) will entail.

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