Meet the founders

Meet the founders


We are Beatrice and Chiamaka from the Savvy Afro SuccesS team aka SASS. This post will serve as our introductory post to help you get to know us better. Enjoy!

Now, let’s get to know Beatrice

Tell us a bit about yourself Beatrice

Beatrice: Growing up in Cameroon, my parents taught me the value of education and I had this guiding quote “my education is my life”. In my home and amongst my sisters, school was the one thing I liked and was really good at. Some people learn how to be competitive through sports and athletics, I did through end of year results, gauging whether I came 1st and got the most prizes…. 🙂

Interviewer: When did you first decide you wanted to be in STEM?

Beatrice: In Form 4, (Grade 9 in the US) you had to choose between science and arts. It was an easy decision for me to choose science because I was always good at and enjoyed math, chemistry etc more than the arts. When I finished Uppersixth (Grade 12), my dad wanted me to be a doctor while I wanted to be an engineer. So we compromised and I decided that I would become an engineer that worked in medicine. 

Interviewer: Can you name one experience that has had a profound impact on you in your career?

Beatrice: Hmmm this is a deep one. In my early days of college when I just moved to the US I realized that in most of my engineering/science related classes I was the minority ( black, female, African and international). This caused some self-doubt in my skills, abilities and knowledge. I learned early on to be comfortable being the only one/minority and to speak up when I have something to say. I still experience this occurrence in my career, but I am more confident in myself and I have a voice. 

Interviewer: When did the idea for this platform first come about?

Beatrice: In early 2020 (in the thick of grad school)! It was a God given idea, and I said I will do it when I was confident I had time to pour into it (after grad school). I’ve always loved mentoring and coaching others academically since I can remember. This just feels like I was meant to do it. 

Interviewer: 5 years from now, where do you see it going?

Beatrice: Ohh this is a good question! 5 years from now I see the SASS being a globally recognized space for many international students to get the resources and answers they’ve needed, amongst others things ;). 

Interviewer: One last question. Outside from being a wonderful scientist and overall human being, what is something most people don’t know about you?

Beatrice: Outside of the seriousness, most people don’t know that I love reality tv shows, and I enjoy building/assembling furniture things. My family calls me “bob the builder” 

Interviewer: Thanks Beatrice

Let’s get to know Chiamaka

Tell us a bit about yourself Chiamaka

Chiamaka: I was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. I am the first child of my parents and I have 3 younger siblings who are just all round super stars.

Interviewer: When did you first decide you wanted to be in STEM?

Chiamaka: I have actually always had an affinity for Mathematics. It was my Dad’s favorite subject and he passed down that love to me. When I learned about chemistry I realized I loved it too. So when it came to going to college, I literally thought to myself “What courses can I study that would guarantee I make A’s throughout”. Haha. And I realized whatever it was had to have a lot of Maths in it because I was really good at Maths! And voila, the rest is history!

Interviewer: Can you name one experience that has had a profound impact on you in your career?

Chiamaka: Studying abroad in Paris, France in the summer of 2014, during my college days at Texas Tech! I hope to talk more about it in a blog post but that summer taught me a lot about myself and showed me that I could learn and fall in love with any course I applied myself too.

Interviewer: When did the idea for this platform first come about?

Chiamaka: I have always loved to write and had the idea of a blog for a while. In addition, to doing a lot of mentoring on the side! When Beatrice told me she had a similar vision and wanted to build this platform I was like yasss!!! Let’s do it. 🙂

Interviewer: 5 years from now, where do you see it going?

Chiamaka: I suppose you will just have to check back in 5 years with us to see where it went. But I hope to have been able to make a huge impact on people’s lives no matter where we are in 5 years.

Interviewer: One last question. Outside from being a wonderful scientist and overall human being, what is something most people don’t know about you?

Chiamaka: People who are close to me know pretty much everything about me. haha. Most other people don’t know that I am an extroverted introvert. I love people and connections but also need time to recharge.

Interviewer: Thanks Chiamaka

Final words from the SASS team

Dear readers/viewers/future scientists, we invite you on a journey with us that we hope will transform your lives and make your lives more colorful!

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